$FBX is now available on Gate.io, MEXC, BTSE, Finblox 🚀

Swap crypto instantly and earn

Easily exchange your favorite tokens all in one platform!
  • 21+ supported pairs
  • Earn yield automatically on swapped assets
  • Highly-competitive exchange rates

Supported Market Pairs

Discover which cryptocurrencies you can trade on Finblox.
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Market pairs
Can’t find your favorite asset pairs on swap?

Buy and sell with swap seamlessly

We find you the best price and execute them into one trade.

Why swap on Finblox?

Here are a few good reasons why you should exchange your crypto with us.
Blazing fast speeds
Our swaps execute near instantaneously, zero slippage.
Competitive rates
Save time and money while we deliver you the best exchange rates.
Keep it all in one place
Reduce cross-platform fees and skip the hassle of transferring to other apps.

Trade anywhere, anytime

Quickly swap crypto at the push of a button. Pay the price you see upfront, no hidden fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Swap by Finblox is an integrated product that allows you to easily exchange crypto pairs at the push of a button, without having to jump to a separate crypto swap exchange or crypto swap app. One of the reasons why Finblox is so convenient for quickly swapping your crypto is because you can earn passive yields automatically on any swapped crypto, and deploy it across a variety of functions that our platform supports. Ultimately, keeping your crypto activities in a single app helps reduce cross-platform fees and the hassle of multiple logins.
Have more questions?Visit Help Center

Make the most of the Finblox ecosystem

Our products are even more powerful when used together!


Earn passive rewards on your idle assets, with yields compounded and paid daily.
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Easily buy crypto using your credit or debit card within the Finblox app.
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Pool Party

Join weekly draws for a chance to win prizes - all while still earning on your crypto!
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Swapping has never been easier!

Swap instantly and start earning yields

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When you transfer your digital assets through Finblox, the funds will be held initially with our custodial partner Fireblocks, the most trusted leading digital asset security infrastructure providing enterprise-grade security, insurance, and 24/7 access to digital assets.

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